Maxwell Strategic Consulting uses a rapid policy development methodology to resolve complex public policy problems in a targeted, robust and systematic way. This ensures policy is developed in consultation with key stakeholders and that implementation is considered throughout the policy development process.
Naomi recently managed the development of single-use plastic policy reforms to restrict the sale and use of single-use plastics in the ACT. This project involved extensive community and industry consultation, stakeholder engagement with government agencies and preparation of legislative reform documentation. You can find information on the proposed reforms here.
Naomi has also developed strategic policy for the ACT Government in the areas of municipal services, animal welfare and management and housing policy.
As part of these projects, Naomi developed the strategic policy framework which underpins the ACT Government’s Better Suburbs Statement 2030. You can view the statement here.
Naomi also authored the ACT Government’s Animal Welfare and Management Strategy and the ACT Government’s Housing Choices Discussion Paper.
The ACT Housing Choices project was awarded a 2018 Planning Institute of Australia Excellence Award for Community Consultation.